Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10 OS launched on July 15, 2015, as a successor to windows 8.1.The system requirements for windows 10 is minimum, it can run on every device. It requires a minimum 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB free storage space and processors of higher processing power than the Intel Core i Series 4th generation later. With windows 10 Microsoft brings back the Start menu and introduced a completely new web browser Microsoft edge to replace the older Internet explorer. The Operating system is specially designed keeping mind in multi-tasking features like Android OS and touch functionality.It released a Free upgrade, and users from windows 7 or windows 8 can easily upgrade their device to the latest windows 10 for free via software updates.

1 Windows 102 Windows 113 What’s new on Windows 11 compared to Windows 10?3.1 Design and interface3.2 Performance improvement3.3 Android Application Integration3.4 Improved virtual desktop support3.5 Widget Upgrade3.6 Enhanced Gaming experience3.7 Redesigned Microsoft Store3.8 Contextual menu3.9 Better support for touch screen, voice and pen3.10 Replacing Skype with Microsoft Teams3.11 Snap Layouts3.12 Support and update cycle4 Is it worth installing Windows 11?

Windows 11

Microsofts latest operating system windows 11 released on June 24, 2021. This time also the company make it a free upgrade but it is for compatible devices only. The latest Windows 11 OS requires a higher system configuration that includes a Minimum 4GB RAM, 64GB storage space, and processors of higher processing power than the Intel Core i Series 8th generation, AMD Zen+ series, and later. Your PC should be UEFI and Secure Boot Capable and TPM 2.0 is required for effective trusted platform modules.

What’s new on Windows 11 compared to Windows 10?

So what are the changes between windows 10 and windows 11? There are a lot of changes on the hood but there are a lot of visual changes. Let’s take a look at the visual changes that you’ll see when you first upgrade to Windows 11.

Design and interface

The main difference between Windows 11 and Windows 10 is their user interface. Windows 11 offers a more Mac-like interface, with pastel colors, rounded corners for all windows and a cleaner interface than its predecessor. The interface design and layout of Windows 11 is much more advanced and one step ahead of the previous Windows 10. Windows 10 is primarily focused on bringing an Android-like experience to Windows devices with various multi-tasking and interactive UIs. But Windows 11 takes it to the next level by creating the macOS experience. Windows 11 allows users to allow more personalization features. There are new gestures, icons, and a new Centered taskbar and start button too.

Performance improvement

Windows 11 has a major performance improvement over Windows 10. It can bring good optimization of system apps running in the background and ensures a longer battery life in high-performance conditions. Windows 11 can better process data and organize memory usage than Windows 10. Windows 11 strategizes how to allocate resources to the various running programs. Minimized programs would obviously receive less attention so that active programs could better function. According to Microsoft, they have done a lot of work in memory management to favor the app windows you have running in the foreground. So that they’re prioritized with more CPU and other system resources. Microsoft actually tested this while the CPU is running with a 90% load on and that would typically slow you down but the Excel app in Windows 11 opens up with speed, despite the CPU being so busy. Microsoft talked about the performance benefits and optimizations in Windows 11 in a YouTube video.

Android Application Integration

It allows users to run the same applications they use on smartphones on their PCs with effective synchronization techniques. It’s the same feature Apple users have on their Mac devices in the Apple ecosystem.

Improved virtual desktop support

Virtual desktops are part of the previous generation of windows 10 but they weren’t as useful in day-to-day usage. With windows 11 the virtual desktops has been improved drastically, Now you can easily create and switch between two desktops and also place different apps in each one of them. Windows 11 also allows users to set different wallpapers for different desktops making it a lot easier to distinguish them.

Widget Upgrade

Widgets are nothing new in Windows 11 because this feature actually comes from Windows 7. But Windows 11 brings a new Widgets tab with all kinds of information in the form of interactive cards like News, Weather, Maps, Photos, and music. The entire panel is divided into two sections in such a way that the upper half of the panel displays information such as weather, news sports so on and the bottom halfof the panel, you will see recommendations from different websites that automatically get updates based on your browser history.

Enhanced Gaming experience

Windows 11 has special features for gaming like live save and auto HDR to improve graphics quality. Windows 11 also has a completely new Xbox app designed for users to get access to the best games made by Microsoft. Xbox also allows users to stream their games on other social media platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Windows 11 also has included support for direct storage an exclusive Xbox series X console that makes gaming more interactive and more fun. In simple words windows 11 is a complete package for gaming enthusiasts.

Redesigned Microsoft Store

Contextual menu

The new context menu – the one that appears when you right-click on the desktop or in Explorer – is undoubtedly one of the controversial changes in Windows 11, by artificially restricting the available options (which remain accessible through a second click) and for suppressing the text legend that until now accompanied the icons corresponding to some of the most used functions —such as deleting, renaming, copying, cutting, pasting, etc— which now forces us to guess the function of each icon.

Better support for touch screen, voice and pen

Windows 11 can also be used via touch, sound, or style. This new innovation has improved support for touch screens and styluses on Windows tablets. Tablet mode can also be used on a PC for touch mode and stylus mode. Windows 11 also introduces voice typing and commands across the system which I think would be useful to a lot of people.

Replacing Skype with Microsoft Teams

In Windows 10, the main application for video conferencing is Skype which must be installed separately. But in Windows 11, Microsoft has replaced Skype with Teams and made it the default app instead of Skype. Microsoft Teams is deeply integrated into Windows 11 and works smoother than ever. You can also access Teams from Mac, Android, iOS, and of course, Windows.

Snap Layouts

Windows 11 has a new feature to quickly arrange window layout. We can now perform a variety of multi-tasking features in this version, as well as change the layout of the application.

Support and update cycle

Microsoft has committed to support windows 10 through 2025, and it recently announced windows 10 only get feature update only once a year. The next feature update for windows 10 is scheduled for release in November 2022. Where Windows 11 is the latest release from Microsoft and will receive updates and support till the next version is launched.

Is it worth installing Windows 11?

We are with yes, there are many good reasons to go for an update the multi-monitor support, multi-desktop experience, the redesigned widgets, the redesigned start menu and Xbox integration and more. Yes, there are plenty of good reasons to upgrade to Windows 11. Well if you decide to say no to Windows 11, it might be because you have been using windows 10 for a while and have gotten used to the interface and it fulfills all your requirements. Well, you can also skip upgrading to windows 11 at least for now. Also read:

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