Game co-development is a subject that has gained a lot of traction in recent times. What exactly is game co-development? In a nutshell, this type of development blends game marketing and game development elements. It’s a way to outsource the development of video games. If a developer teams up with a different studio, it may bring advantages for both parties. The potential positive points are numerous as well.

Saving a Lot of Money

Game co-development enables companies to minimize their costs quite considerably. Why exactly is that? If a developer opts to take the co-development route, it will utilize the outside services exclusively when required. It will use external services exclusively for designated projects as well. This eliminates having to pay someone a fixed salary each month. It does away with expenses like training, holidays, insurance, and even extra taxes. Note, too, that joining forces with another studio can help companies minimize hardware and software expenses. Other studios are equipped with hardware and software already, after all. It’s critical to acknowledge just how rapidly these kinds of costs can add up as well. Art software licenses may cost companies upward of $10,000 for individual artists, and that’s where things start, too.

Spare Time for Other Pursuits

The truth is that taking the co-development path enables companies to concentrate on other pursuits that go beyond game development. If a developer outsources development duties, it can dedicate more energy and time to expanding its business in general for the future. It can devote more effort to grow, boosting efficiency and, ultimately, strengthening future profits. If a developer collaborates with a capable gaming studio, its staff members can all put much more time into their most important projects.

Speedier Development Trajectories

Waiting around in the gaming development world can be highly frustrating. Fortunately, game co-development paves the way for development cycles that are much faster for all. If you recruit a different studio, you can begin working with its experts without delaying or dilly-dallying. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t already established a tangible budget and don’t have to wait to kick things off. Co-developers without exception function using build-to-order arrangements. That’s why they begin working once they have received payment from their clients who need development for specific sections of their games. This allows developers to dedicate a lot more time to perfecting their latest projects and guaranteeing they’re 100 percent enjoyable. It spares developers the stresses and hassles of panicking about getting things done to accommodate tight deadlines. It spares them from having to panic about budget requirements all the same.

Outside Resources

Developers that go for gaming co-development these days can take advantage of the convenience and ease of outside resources. The most successful companies in this day and age are the ones that grasp the sheer power of utilizing as many resources as possible. It’s critical to understand that the vast majority of gaming developers are best at single talents, which is why they’re somewhat restricted regarding all of their abilities. Suppose a developer smartly co-develops with a different company that has nowhere near the same talents. In that case, it can utilize knowledge and resources it doesn’t already have. This can make it much faster and simpler for companies to attain all their most critical objectives. Working independently is never as efficient, straightforward, or rapid for anyone.

Different Markets

Outsourcing in the video game universe does much more than open developers up to the wonders of different resources. That’s because it also opens them up to the wonders of new and unfamiliar markets. Independent developers that are all about mobile games may not be able to reach console markets, and Console game production tends to be much more expensive than mobile game production. If an indie co-developed a console update to an existing mobile game, though, it might lead to selling the game on two kinds of platforms at a later time. 

An Abundance of Ideas and Concepts

A sole individual might have superb gaming ideas in mind. However, those ideas do not always translate to concepts suitable for “final” and “permanent” offerings. If a developer collaborates with a studio, it can reveal the ideas of diverse and impressive brains. It can relish the convenience of constructive criticism and commentary in general, too. This can simplify the process of developing something from scratch considerably. Never forget that more brains working harmoniously can lead to superior outcomes. These team efforts can be excellent for innovation overall and can be just as ideal for solving all kinds of complex and confusing problems.

Strengthened Communication Practices

Communication is the primary component of gaming co-development. Teams have no option but to work in harmony, and they have no choice but to communicate without pausing. A lack of solid communication makes it impossible for teamwork to flourish and impossible for teams to complete projects in a timely fashion. Co-developing groups looking to enhance their communication approaches can host routine meetings. These meetings can keep all participants in the loop and on the same page no matter what.

Broader Horizons

Going for game co-development enables developers to broaden their horizons significantly. It can be a mistake for developers to be set in their ways in today’s fast-paced gaming development world. Teaming up with new brains can help developers tweak their practices and styles, and it can help them keep up with the rest of the pack, too. If a developer wants to be fully in touch with all the latest and greatest happenings in the development sector, he should prioritize gaming co-development from here on out. Co-development can get developers out of ruts.

About the author

Yuriy Denisyuk is Game Production Lead at Pingle Studio. He’s responsible for successfully managing the Game Production pipeline. Yuriy is this lucky person who plays the best games for work to keep up with trends and create new ones. He likes writing and reading Manga, fantasy, and professional literature in his free time.