The technology allows for geotechnical engineering visualization for use in mine and environment restoration. BGC will use HoloLens to show clients a scene and visualize solutions to various issues. “Reclamation is about making good on the commitment that mining is a temporary use of the land,” said Bill Burton, vice president of BGC. “We can put people in that final landscape. This is easier to understand for experts and non-experts alike.”

Use of HoloLens in Business

Though the app is currently proof-of-concept, it hints at what’s possible with the HoloLens. researchers predict that AR will be a $83 billion dollar industry by 2021, over three times bigger than VR. Loook’s new app shows how beneficial such technology can be, both in cost savings and client retention.

The application will integrate data from geological and monitoring datasets. It will allow for mine planning, debris flow modeling, and AR site inspections. “We want to make a positive impact on the world through connecting people and protecting the planet,” said Sebastian Motte, Loook’s co-founder. “In this case, mining companies can do a better job maintaining the landscape.” Loook has several other clients in its book, including professional service company KPMG. The organization is utilizing AR for complex, 3D data visualization. The tool will help it provide valuable insights to Fortune 500 clients. All of this progress comes before the HoloLens’ official release. The current, developer version is $3000, and its successor won’t come until 2019. It signals a very positive future for AR and Microsoft if it can refine the technology.

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