Thankfully, you won’t have to wait for much longer. The MyBuild website now contains a note telling users to check back on the week of April 23. We should see more exact timings, as well as more sessions.

What We Know So Far

That said, we have a rough idea of major events thanks to the agenda released already. There will be discussions, demos, and sessions from Microsoft experts, and likely a look at Windows 10’s upcoming features. The first day will contain a keynote by CEO Satya Nadella, as well as presentations and training labs. The following two days won’t feature Nadella but will have similar sessions and events.

Microsoft also takes the time to announce developer-focused tools. Last year saw the Mac debut of Visual Studio, Azure Cloud Shell, and more. Nadella’s speech focused o the important milestone of 500 million users, and it’s possible we’ll get an update on the OS’ progress this year too. There will also be sessions about datacenter design, DevOps, Azure Cosmos DB migration, containers, web apps, SQL Database, Fluent Design, and more. Microsoft experts will on-hand for workshops about VS debugging, ASP.NET Core 2.1, UWP apps, AI-license plate recognition, and more. In total, there will be over 350+ sessions, as well as social events for vital networking. As usual, it will be hosted in Microsoft’s home of Seattle, in the Washington State Convention Center. You can find more information on the official site.

Build 2018  Microsoft Will Reveal Schedule Starting April 23 - 91Build 2018  Microsoft Will Reveal Schedule Starting April 23 - 81Build 2018  Microsoft Will Reveal Schedule Starting April 23 - 63Build 2018  Microsoft Will Reveal Schedule Starting April 23 - 69Build 2018  Microsoft Will Reveal Schedule Starting April 23 - 19