The pre-built solutions make it easier for organizations to create chatbots and other AI services. Both services are available through the Azure cloud platform. Microsoft introduced Azure Bot Service a year ago, and opened it in preview in November. Based on Microsoft’s Bot Framework, Bot Services is the first public bot service for the cloud. It allows developers to build and deploy intelligent bots to services such as Slack, Skype, Office 365, and Facebook Messenger. The core features of Azure Bot Services are: “Accelerate development cycles: With the Azure Bot Service, developers can accelerate building intelligent bots using Microsoft Cognitive Services by working in an integrated developer experience designed for bot development. You can get started quickly with out-of-the-box templates such as the basic bot, Language Understanding Intelligent Service bot, form bot, and proactive bot. Enrich your bots: The Azure Bot Service includes built-in configurable channels to improve your customer interactions and increase your reach to more customers. You can easily build bots that work from your apps or websites and across popular channels such as Slack, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Teams, Web chat, Email, GroupMe, Kik, Telegram and Twilio. Boost operational efficiency: Azure Bot Service uses Azure Functions to give you the operational agility to run and handle scale as your bots grow in popularity and you only pay for what you use. Moreover, you also don’t need to worry about provisioning or managing servers that run your bots. Patching and infrastructure maintenance is handled for you – you focus on writing code.”

Language Understanding Intelligent Service

LUIS is a solution for creating intelligent systems that translates text into a language other apps can use. It is an integration of APIs that give systems the ability to speak, hear, see, interpret, and understand using natural communication. Like Bot Services, LUIS has been available in preview. With its move to general availability, Microsoft has updated the user interface of the solution and expanded it across more regions. There are now 500 intents and 100 entities for developers to create conversational systems in their apps. Microsoft has updated the user interface of LUIS and it is available in more regions. They have expanded up to 500 intents and 100 entities allowing developers to build even more powerful conversational experiences for their apps.

Azure Bot Service and language Recognition Solution Reach General Availability - 12Azure Bot Service and language Recognition Solution Reach General Availability - 80Azure Bot Service and language Recognition Solution Reach General Availability - 66Azure Bot Service and language Recognition Solution Reach General Availability - 97Azure Bot Service and language Recognition Solution Reach General Availability - 4